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Jackie Marshall-Cyrus & Associates Ltd Director United Kingdom
How are nursing homes purchasing capacities dedicated to innovative equipment evolving in different European regions?

Jackie Marshall-Cyrus FRSA, MA Ed, BSc (First Class Hons), PG Dip Ed, RGN

Jackie is Director at Jackie Marshall-Cyrus & Associates Ltd, a boutique consultancy
providing ageing and independent living expertise. Jackie works with international
governments bodies, agencies, corporates, SMEs and entrepreneurs developing age-related
innovative products, services and systems.

Jackie is a Registered Nurse and Nurse Educator with over 35 years’ experience. She holds a
first-class Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing Older Adults, and a Masters’ Degree in
Education. With over ten (10) years practice, management and leadership experience in the
NHS, in May 2008 Jackie assumed the role of Lead Specialist on the Independent Living
Innovation Platform at Innovate UK. There she led several high-profile international,
national, collaborative, business-led innovation challenges, most notably Delivering Assisted
Living Lifestyles at Scale (dallas) 2010-2013 and The Long Term Care Revolution National
SBRI Challenge in 2013-2015. Between 2009-2015 Jackie was the UK’s representative on the
Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme, a member of both the Contents Working Group
and the AAL Forum Committee.

Jackie continues to support innovative organisations and SMEs to develop cutting edge
products, services, and systems. She has earned an international and national reputation for
being a visionary, inspirational speaker, thought-leader, and ageing innovation expert. Her
aim is to forge change in the sector through collaboration across professions, organisations,
and industries. Her research interests include ageing sexuality and sexual health, as well as
transcultural nursing education. She is the doting grandmother of three grandchildren and
an unapologetic challenger of the status quo.